Seven Key Hidden Truths About Humanity

Jay Kshatri
36 min readFeb 10, 2022

“Sometimes things need to break so that you can see underneath the glossy exterior and identify what is broken and is being covered up. It is then you realize what needs to be removed and can determine what needs to replace it.”

The last two years have provided a unique opportunity for humanity to pull back the curtains and see for themselves who the Wizard of Oz really is. As in the movie, the power of Oz over the people only exists because of the elaborate illusions and deceptions Oz employs to fool them into believing something that isn’t true. Fortunately for us, the positive factions of our world’s governments, militaries, as well as private citizens have joined forces (first started over 70 years ago) to pull back the curtain on our current day Wizard(s) of Oz, what I like to call the self-appointed World Management Team (WMT). They are a highly coordinated and ruthless group of beings who believe they own human civilization and run planet Earth (details of who they are can be found in the 7 Key Hidden Truths section below).

The positive group which is in the final stages of liberating Earth from the WMT — some call them White Hats while others call them the “Earth Alliance”have been slowly amplifying a process of “Disclosure” of who the World Management Team is. As part of this effort, they have been providing details of the WMT’s operations and crimes against humanity as well as our true Human and Earth Reality that has been skillfully hidden from almost all of our citizens. A key objective over the last few years, has been to “remove the curtain” and force the WMT into revealing to the world population their manipulative and destructive tactics. For as the saying goes, seeing and experiencing for oneself, is believing. The Earth Alliance has also for a number of decades now, been working on dismantling and removing the WMT from power. This effort kicked into high gear in 2017.

As you can imagine, this is quite a task to accomplish as it requires “un-winding” a highly manipulated and fabricated reality that has been woven into every single aspect of life, in every country around the world. As a result, most of the world’s population believes this false reality is real and lives in a hypnotic trance or sleep state, without knowing the truth. They readily cooperate (unwittingly) with their abusers (WMT) — in psychology, this is known as the Stockholm Syndrome. Thus, this delicate task requires un-masking and removing the Wizard(s) while at the same time, not causing great catastrophic harm to large segments of the world’s sleeping population who would in all likelihood fight against being liberated. And as for the WMT, criminals once they attain power, don’t go easily, so it is a challenging task.

The good news is that we can all help the process conclude as smooth and safely as possible by being part of the solution of un-masking the Wizard(s). We do this by increasing our own knowledge of what is real, versus the lies we’ve been programmed to believe and accept all our lives. Just as in the movie, the “baddies” never want you to see how they actually conduct their manipulation and control of society, for once you do, you no longer acquiesce to their illegitimate power. You no longer comply, and their game is finished.

To start, I present to you the current main set of lies and half-truths programmed into most humans from birth (along with the real truth) to set a baseline of what is considered reality by most people. I’ll then list the Seven Key Hidden Truths about Humanity along with extensive resources for you to dive as deep as your curiosity desires into each of the seven areas. The important thing as always, is to do your own research, use discernment, and make up your own mind.

The Lies Versus the Real Truth

  • As far as we know, we are alone in the universe. There might be some other species or civilizations out there, but we’ve never seen or met them. Maybe we will one day or at least see or hear them with our giant telescopes and microphones. Until then, we wait patiently — we have enough problems on Earth to worry about so let’s not think too much about what might be out there. Versus, the truth is our Universe is filled with millions of inhabited planets and the World Management Team has been physically interacting with many of them all over our solar system and galaxy for over 70 years. In addition, extra-terrestrials have been residing on Earth for millions of years and interacting in both positive and negative ways with the human population.
  • All conflict on Earth is organic, meaning, it’s a natural part of our evolution we’re still learning how to get along with each other. Versus, the truth is there is a sophisticated and coordinated “hidden hand” (WMT) behind the scenes that is manipulating all sides and creating conflict, death, and destruction where none would naturally occur. The WMT create these conflicts not only for control and profit, but sadly, also as a form of sport and entertainment for themselves.
  • We have never been able to invent any technology that can allow us to travel faster than the speed of light. Our scientists are still trying to grapple with what gravity truly is so we don’t have any anti-gravitic transportation technologies that would allow star-trek like space or intra planet travel and no technologies that would allow teleportation. Versus, the truth is most of our technology is based on 400 year old materialist science that does not take into account the quantum, frequency based understanding of the universe which is now nearly 100 years old. The World Management Team through control of all scientific bodies and funding sources suppresses any quantum level technology breakthroughs. Thus ensuring we don’t freely progress technologically and they get to continue controlling the human population for their nefarious purposes. These Star Trek like technologies in fact do exist (provided to us by various ET factions as well as reverse engineered by humans), and have been used in Secret Space Programs run by the major world governments for at least the last seventy years.
  • Fossil Fuels are still in the year 2022 the “best source of energy we’ve managed to produce for mass consumption.” These fuels are very expensive to access and process, and as a result energy is the number one cost of all products and services in our world economy. No one “appears” to have had any success creating quantum level energy sources that would basically be free and limitless. Versus, the truth is advanced energy sources are used extensively by the World Management Team in their on and off-world military industrial complex projects. “Free-Energy” has been in existence on this planet for over seven decades and withheld from the world population.
  • Our humanoid bodies last on average less than 100 years and it is completely natural for them to break down by mid life and for us to live the remainder of our lives with severe diseases and illness. For many decades now, we have not been able to develop the cure for any disease despite spending Trillions of Dollars a year on research and development around the globe. We’ve only been able to create treatments that manage symptoms and create life-long customers. No quantum, frequency based technologies have been discovered. Versus, the truth is that the World Management Team is using advanced quantum frequency based technologies in their secret space programs for the last 70 years that within minutes re-atomize every cell in a human body back to its perfected state. They have the technology to extend the life of a human body to over a thousand years. Quite a few of these technologies appear on a list of 6,000 restricted patents that are kept hidden from humanity.
  • It’s best to not try and think too deeply for ourselves on any given topic and leave it to “experts, professionals, and authority figures” to tell us what to think and what to do. And if we desire to do the research ourselves, we should only look at “approved” sources of information ok’ed by the World Management Team. Versus, the truth is that as in any totalitarian run country, what they censor is what you really need to know. And, a very slick way to achieve censorship without calling it that, is to go the “approved sources” route coupled with controlling all mainstream media (tv, newspapers, radio, magazines, books) by the WMT’s agents. What is provided is the illusion of infinite information choice but in actuality is a tightly controlled and scripted narrative (propaganda) per the WMT of all mainstream media. This is a sophisticated mind programming operation and is the polar opposite of free-thinking.
  • Our various national, state, and local governments though they in most cases can’t even make the easiest of decisions, work tirelessly on the people’s behalf and are just doing their best in a difficult and polarized environment. Versus, the truth is our governments are independent of the people who they actually work for and most take their direct marching orders from agents of the World Management Team. They are above the people, most laws, and are not civic servants of the citizens who choose and employ them.
  • Our K-12 school systems and colleges are sacred, and strive to implement critical thinking skills at all levels. Humanity wouldn’t survive without the precious “knowledge” they impart. Versus, the truth is that the curriculum our schools and colleges teach at all levels has been manipulated, corrupted, and is mostly controlled by the World Management Team. They focus most of their efforts on teaching students how to take tests and be good rule followers of authority figures (employees of the WMT). They pay lip service to Critical or Free-Thinking but it is the last thing they actually provide. Approved curriculum, approved areas of research, and approved sources of information are the standard operating procedure for keeping students and faculty in line with the objectives of the WMT. This indoctrination and mind-programming starts in Kindergarten and lasts for the rest of a human’s life. Students and Teachers deserve much better.
  • Since we have limited resources of all types, it is a fact of life that poverty, poor living conditions, chronic disease, and stressful and mind-numbing fifty to sixty hour work weeks exists for much of the world’s 8 Billion people. Versus, the truth is that there are hidden technologies being used by the World Management Team on and off the planet for over 70 years that in a blink of an eye would make all these issues disappear. This would result in vast abundance and a joyous way of life for every single human being. These technologies harness the power of the Quantum Field and provide the ability to create unlimited versions of anything we desire, at virtually no cost. The WMT are very aware of how humans on free planets live abundant and disease free lifestyles. This is the last thing they want to happen on Earth.
  • Most people fall into three camps regarding Spiritual Existence — ( 1) They are Atheists (there is no Creator, no Spirit, no Soul) — humans are just sophisticated animals whose brain (hardware), magically creates its own software (consciousness), and is not connected to anything or anyone else; (2) They are Religious and follow some type of man manipulated religion that says god or the creator, is something outside of them and thus they have no real power of their own (versus the truth that they are actually god in human form and are very powerful spirit beings); or (3) They’re Agnostic (just not sure). The end result is a highly confused civilization which doesn’t realize their true divine super powers and in fact, has freely given them away. This situation has been expertly crafted by the WMT over thousands of years.

“Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Kills”

The Seven Key Hidden Truths about Humanity

1. There are a group of “families”, sometimes called the Illuminati, that feel they own and operate Earth (“The World Management Team”). The reason is that they believe their bloodlines were mixed with ancient ET’s who once ruled earth and they therefore are the superior and natural heirs. They have accumulated power and pass this on from one generation to another. In their upper most ranks, one’s from off-Earth regions have been brainwashed to believe since birth that they are high density beings who have volunteered to come to incarnate on Earth to provide the negative polarity to humans for their soul growth (showing us the dark, so that we learn to find and embrace our light and choose how not to be). In this regard, they are taught to believe that they are “good guys, doing bad things, but with a good purpose for humanity”. They have been operating on Earth for much of the last 25,000 years.

Most Illuminati members are severely mind controlled and abused from childhood in order to indoctrinate them into the family’s system. Most end up as psychopaths and are programmed to cause great harm to others.I think it’s fair to say, that whatever delusional mission statement some of these corrupted souls think they have, their parasitical and psychopathic efforts have gone terribly out of control, have resulted in a severe imbalance between light and dark, and greatly harmed humanity’s evolution and true potential.

The Illuminati are a complex and multilayered organization with many different factions and origins (some originated on earth, while some feel they come from other planets). Some portions of the group have formed alliances with and “report to” a group of technologically advanced but low consciousness and hostile Extra Terrestrial civilizations that enslave planets and feed off of the inhabitant’s vibrational energy [this is the group that is spearheading the New World Order’sTrans-Humanist Agenda of merging humans, machines, and artificial intelligence for complete world control and dominance]. Some Illuminati also interface with a type of ET Hive-Mind Artificial Intelligence which they take direction from and worship.

The Illuminati’s lower and middle tiers operate as a hybrid of a mafia type cartel and a religious cult and often work in “secret societies” and simultaneously in large organizations openly in plain sight. They loosely coordinate their efforts (though there is a clearly articulated leadership hierarchy and decision making structure), divide up territories, compete and fight with each other, and use sophisticated hierarchical control systems that dominate every type of institution on the planet. Components of their operation is the “Deep State, Cabal, or Shadow Government”, Corporations, and Militaries that control virtually every government of every nation on planet Earth.

You may wonder how can a relatively small group of people (estimated at 4 Million) control an entire planet of (8 Billion)? The answer is they use 5 tactics with great skill (1) The WMT use the process of acclimitization done gradually over very long time periods. These small adjustments to society over long time periods, also calledgradualization, gets people to accept the changes as they consider them small and within bounds of what is tolerable. This tactic helps the WMT avoid people “connecting the dots” of what they are doing. Over a long period these small changes however, combine to become large and major issues ; (2) The WMT employ the algorithm of Create Problem — Provide Solution (which is a Trojan Horse as it is actually worse than the original problem) — Take More Control and Power for themselves in the process. The last two years have been a text book case of this approach; (3)WMT keeps humans in a perpetual state of Fear and Ignorance. When someone is caught in fear, the brain’s frontal lobes do not function well and a person cannot think effectively and will make many mistakes in perception and decision making; The antidote is Truth and Knowledge. (4) The illuminati / cabal are also willing to take losses (lose battles to win the war), go into hiding or back off of their efforts for as long as it takes, regroup, and then come back again; and (5)They have help from powerful and negative ET’s with technologies that are thousands of years more advanced than current day Earth. These technologies allow for sophisticated manipulation, control, and deception of humanity.

The good news is that over the last two years the top leadership of the WMT (along with their negative ET partners) have in the background begun to be systematically removed from power, arrested, and otherwise neutralized in some form by the Earth Alliance along with its positive ET partners. This process will accelerate rapidly in 2022 and ultimately crescendo to become visible to the world public at large. That said, the complete removal of the entire parasitical network (which Illuminati insiders and whistle-blowers have revealed even operates in groups at the local town level in most countries), will take some time. It will also need the assistance of all world citizens to participate in the full and complete clean up of these psychopathic criminal parasites (that’s where having things break and seeing what needs to be cleaned up underneath comes in). As with any infection or parasitical infestation, if you don’t fully remove it, it re-grows and again becomes a problem. This has happened on Earth in previous clean up efforts. Let’s make sure this time will be different.




  • Who Controls the World (TEDx video- Zurich)– Former finance executive, physicist by training, and now academic, James Glattfelder, in 2012 wrote a brilliant paper titled — The Network of Global Corporate Control, where through extensive algorithmic analysis he showed that approximately 800 corporations essentially control the world’s collective economy. Approximately 60% of those corporations are controlled by bankers. The paper was a groundbreaking study of how control flows through the global economy, and how concentration of power in the hands of a shockingly small number leaves us all vulnerable.
  • Zeitgeist, The Movie (2007): “Zeitgeist was created as a non-profit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.” — Rotten Tomatoes

Movies that provide some level of Galactic Disclosure and WMT’s tactics of deception

  • The Truman Show — “The Truman Show is a 1998 American satirical science fiction film and stars Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, adopted and raised by a corporation inside a simulated television show revolving around his life, until he discovers it and decides to escape. The movie illustrates how a group using advanced technologies and elaborate “stage-craft” and illusions, are able to create an artificial reality.
  • Wag the Dog — with Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. The movie gives us a taste of how the “trick” of creating a false narrative through media and technology and managing the simultaneous perception of humans around the world is accomplished.
  • Jupiter Ascending — This film is a plethora of galactic and WMT disclosure — the basic plot is that Earth and countless other planets were established by families of transhuman and alien royalty for the purpose of harvesting the resulting organisms to produce a youth serum for the elites on other planets.

2. The Universe is overflowing with Sentient Life. There are Millions of Inhabited Planets, Many with Humanoid Species like our own. Elements of our current governments / militaries (through what is termed the “Secret Space Program”) have been interacting with these other civilizations for close to 100 years now. Earth’s interior, like all planets, is not solid, but more like a honeycomb. There are civilizations (more evolved versions of surface humans) that live within the earth. In most planets, the inhabitants live inside the planet, so as to avoid the atmospheric issues on the surface. The inner earth civilizations routinely interact with our various world governments but until now have been reluctant and in many cases, not allowed to interact with the surface population. The reality is that we are an advanced enough civilization and should be interacting freely with other planets and races. This has been denied to us by the World Management Team who treat humans as their slaves and thus Earth has been until now, a Prison Planet.

Fortunately, over the last five years, a growing group of secret space program insiders have come forward to disclose their participation in these programs and their experiences in interacting with ET races as part of their jobs. In addition, we are fortunate to have information of people who have been physically contacted (and taken off planet to see the truth of advanced life forms and civilizations for themselves) by positive and helpful ET’s.

Eventually, within the next few years, positive ET’s will make contact with Earth’s surface population, openly interact with them, and help accelerate human evolution which has been hampered by the WMT. First, however, humanity must finish its clean up of the WMT, begin the healing process of its citizens and environment, and then the reunion with our star brothers and sisters can commence.



  • I recommend the work of Dr. Michael Salla– “Dr.Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics’, the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship to an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or even senior military officials.
  • David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program — Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016 — This is a very extensive and comprehensive set of notes from a conference given by UFO and Ancient Civilizations researcher David Wilcock and Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode (who has said he has served multiple decades of time off-planet in the U.S. Secret Space Program).
  • William Tompkins & US Navy Secret Space Program — compilation of key articles and videos about the revelations of Tompkins, a senior officer in the U.S. Navy Secret Space Program and a key designer and architect of many of its advanced space crafts, by


Movies that provide some level of Galactic Disclosure and WMT’s tactics of deception

  • Men in Black“is a 1997 American science fiction action comedy film loosely adapted from The Men in Black comic book series created by Lowell Cunningham and Sandy Carruthers, the film stars Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith as two agents of a secret organization called the Men in Black, who supervise extraterrestrial lifeforms who live on Earth and hide their existence from ordinary humans. After a government agency makes first contact with aliens in 1961, alien refugees live in secret on Earth, mostly disguised as humans in the New York metropolitan area. Men in Black is a secret agency that polices these aliens, protects Earth from intergalactic threats and uses memory-erasing neuralyzers to keep alien activity a secret. Men in Black agents have their former identities erased and retired agents are neuralyzed and given new identities.
  • Avatar is a 2009 American epic science fiction film directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron, and starring Sam Worthington. It is also a disclosure film — essentially revealing what the Secret Space Program looks like and they’re exploitation of other planets / cultures. It also puts front and center that consciousness is transferrable and that in more advanced cultures, consciousness connects in powerful ways such as telepathy and inner knowing.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (sometimes abbreviated to DS9) is a science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe in the Milky Way galaxy, in the years 2369–2375. All the various Star Trek tv series’ and movies are a form of soft disclosure. It is believed creator Gene Rodenberry was in direct contact and coached by secret space program insiders, military industrial complex key operatives, and a positive advanced ET race who wanted him to help get humanity ready for the truth. [see this video for more information — Contact with the Council of Nine & Roddenberry’s Star Trek Future]. Out of all the different star trek tv and movie series, Deep Space Nine in my opinion provides the most up to date and realistic disclosures of advanced technologies and the true capabilities of humans and other civilizations.

3. Spirit and Matter are the same thing. Everything is energetic vibration or frequency, existing at different rates. We are multi-dimensional frequency beings, or beings of light and sound vibration. The Universe we live in operates as a Hologram. Per Quantum laws, we are able to choose what we want to experience in our holographic universe via free will choice and our thoughts. Essentially, this Universe is constructed to allow spirit beings to experience their thoughts in material form. There is an infinite set of possibilities in the hologram and thus our physical reality is quite plastic and fluid.

As we increase our energy vibration and consciousness, our ability to create and shape our reality becomes more powerful. This is where we are heading very quickly as a human population. The truth is that no one can violate your free-will choice without dire consequences per established cosmic laws. That’s why even the baddies go to great lengths to trick humans into choosing harmful things for themselves (or to not choose anything and remain in an ignorant state and let the WMT choose for them) and to not violate free-will. They know the rules of the game and don’t like the consequences of breaking them. So the best thing to do is to continually upgrade your knowledge, know the truth of things, and consciously and intentionally choose what you do and do not want to experience. This is how individually and collectively, humanity takes back control of its present and future reality.




Movies that provide some level of Galactic Disclosure and WMT’s tactics of deception

  • Interstellar is a 2014 epic science fiction film and stars Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. The film is set in a dystopian future where Earth’s future has been riddled by disasters, famines, and droughts. There is only one way to ensure mankind’s survival: Interstellar travel. The first movie to explore the concept of String Theory and reveal that we are beings existing in multiple dimensions simultaneously
  • The Matrix Trilogy — “The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers and starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne. It depicts a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called “the Matrix”, created by sentient machines to subdue the human population, while their bodies’ heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. Cybercriminal and computer programmer Neo learns this truth and is drawn into a rebellion against the machines, which involves other people who have been freed from the “dream world.”” ~wikipedia

4. Evolutionary Theory is only partially correct. The truth is that earth human civilizations (we are the sixth or seventh version of humans on Earth) have essentially been treated as genetic experiments for millions of years. Our DNA has been tinkered with by both benevolent and hostile ET’s for a very long time, and therefore we have not “evolved” as most scientists believe. Much of the tinkering has been harmful to us and and has limited our innate capabilities as powerful frequency beings (think of why there are only 2 DNA strands operating and a bunch of “junk DNA” in our systems). The good news is that we each have the capability to reprogram and heal our genetics by increasing our energetic vibration and allowing the full expansion of our “light body” (soul / higher self) within our beings.


  • The Law of One books were channeled by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984. The books (there are five) can be purchased from L/L Research’s online store or freely downloaded from their library. The Law of One material is a series of 106 conversations, called sessions, between Don Elkins, a professor of physics and UFO investigator, and Ra, speaking through Carla Rueckert. Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results. The Spirit of Ra website provides an overview and study guide of the material here. UFO and Ancient Wisdom Teachings Researcher and Author, David Wilcock, was a close friend to the L/L Research group and lived with them for a few years. He thus had a front row seat to their work on The Law of One and understands it very well and it has influenced and guided his research. David is skilled at synthesizing spiritual and advanced technology subjects and his books and his extensive video presentations on are very much worth watching as he clearly explains much of what has been hidden of Earth’s and Humanity’s true history and ET origins. You can watch his 276 episode show Wisdom Teachings at here.
  • The Cassiopaeans Transcripts (from 1994–2000) are a series of Q&A’s with consciousness form beings from the Cassiopaea system who exist in the sixth dimension. They claim that they are actually future versions of the group (doing the channeling) themselves. They give amazing discussions on advanced subjects such as gravity, consciousness, dimensions and timelines and they talk about things as such the illuminati, reptilian aliens on earth, the reason for abductions, and the truth about the systematic distortion of human history, including comments about Jesus, religion and major world events. Tom Montalk participated with the core group who received the transmissions from the Cassiopaeans and eventually went on his own way. Over the last twenty years he has created an excellent body of work understanding and sharing his learning regarding spirituality and especially the true reality of earth’s and humanity’s ET origins and links. Tom has expertly integrated The Law of One teachings and the Cassiopean Transmissions into his knowledge. His website is very well done and can can be seen His free e-book, Fringe Knowledge for Beginners, is available on his home page and is a great introduction to the hidden truths about humanity’s origins and how the “machinery” of our particular holographic universe works and how to navigate it successfully.
  • 500+ Renowned Scientists Jointly Share Why They Reject Darwin’s Theory of Evolution — “Our ideas about what happened on Earth prior to the emergence of life are eminently testable in the lab. And what we have seen thus far when the reactions are left unguided as they would be in the natural world is not much. Indeed, the decomposition reactions and competing reactions out distance the synthetic reactions by far. It is only when an intelligent agent (such as a scientist or graduate student) intervenes and “tweaks” the reactions conditions “just right” do we see any progress at all, and even then it is still quite limited and very far from where we need to get. Thus, it is the very chemistry that speaks of a need for something more than just time and chance. And whether that be simply a highly specified set of initial conditions (fine-tuning) or some form of continual guidance until life ultimately emerges is still unknown. But what we do know is the random chemical reactions are both woefully insufficient and are often working against the pathways needed to succeed.” –Edward Peltzer Ph.D. Oceanography, University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute), Associate Editor, Marine Chemistry
  • The Biology of Beliefby Dr. Bruce H. Lipton
  • Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine, by Peter H. Fraser, Harry Massey, Joan Parisi Wilcox
  • Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves NOW, by Jacob Liberman O.D. Ph.D.



5. Everything is the Creator, the Source, including us. God is not something outside of us, it is us. The hostile ET’s through the efforts of their World Management Team (Illuminati and Cabal) infiltrated every religion and philosophy over the last 10,000 years to convince humans that god was outside of them (a judgmental man sitting on top of a hill…), and thereby took their inherent god powers away from them. This is the biggest con-job and crime to take place on Earth. The greatest tragedy is that the victims willingly cooperate with their oppressors and harm themselves and their fellow citizens day in and day out. The truth is, we are unlimited beings that have been falsely convinced by the controller group of this planet through their fear generating tactics that we are fragile and limited. It is well past time to take our inherent divine power back.


  • Seth Speaks — The Eternal Validity of the Soul and The Nature of Personal Reality, both by Jane Roberts. Author Jane Roberts in 1963 started to channel a higher level dimensional entity who called himself Seth. These two books in particular are a powerful introduction to the multi-dimensional aspects of the soul and how one uses the power of their soul to create and shape their personal reality.
  • Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding — Eleven men embarked upon a journey in 1894 with one objective:…to find the great spiritual teachers of the Far East and witness their uncommon abilities. This six volume set chronicles those teachings and is a superb overview of self-realization and reconnecting to your inner god-power.


6. A vast amount of advanced technologies have been hidden from the average person. These would have dramatically changed our lives for the better. No one need “work for a living — or rather, to work in order to physically survive. In addition, no one would die from any disease. These technologies work at the “root” level of our reality, which is frequency and vibration, sound and light.


Movies that provide some level of Galactic Disclosure and WMT’s tactics of deception

  • Elysium — This 2013 Matt Damon dystopian soft disclosure film which shows how in the mid 22nd century, Earth has become overpopulated and heavily polluted, with most of the citizens living in poverty and disease while the rich and powerful live on Elysium, a space station in Earth’s orbit equipped with Med-Beds — advanced medical devices that cure all injuries and diseases within a few minutes of use.

7. The most powerful force in the Universe is Love. The type of Love that Appreciates, Serves, Unifies, and Harmonizes. This is why the hostile ET’s and the World Management Team work so hard at creating conflict, implement us. vs. them scenarios and build them into every single aspect of earth life — jobs, sports, schools, everything. It limits love, maximizes fear, and takes everyone’s power to near zero. To Divide is to Conquer is the truest statement ever uttered.


The Way Forward

Hopefully this article has shed some light on what is broken underneath the glossy exterior of 21st Century Earth Life and what needs to be fixed. The last vestiges of the World Management Team won’t relinquish control easily but the average human will also likely find it difficult to throw off their chains after thousands of years of mental and physical slavery. The WMT convinced 8 Billion very powerful spiritual beings they had no power and plummeted our consciousness. We need to take our power back and raise our consciousness because that’s how we create reality. The WMT created the conditions for our collective consciousness to create many horrific things that have existed in our world. That’s the evil brilliance of their approach. They know how spirit manifests physical reality, and how to turn its power against us. As Dorothy learned in the Wizard of Oz (perhaps the original disclosure movie), she always had the capability to go home (to overcome her fears and regain her inherent, unlimited spiritual powers). She just needed to remember she had them and how to use them.

The imminent Full Disclosure and clean up phase may be difficult. But I’m very confident that once our fellow humans are told and shown the Truth, we will strongly unite and collectively work together to rapidly create the emerging Free Earth. There are many talented and capable souls on the planet at this time. We will replace the objectives of the World Management Team with a Culture of Life, Freedom, and Unlimited Abundance. What would this look like?

Imagine If:

People approached life everyday, in everything they did, with the objective of being of service to others. They existed in Unity Consciousness, seeing the Oneness with All, and feeling the interconnectedness between all life. Imagine what that world would look like? What would it feel like? Take a moment to contemplate it…

We would be giving to others freely, and others would be giving to us. Our sole objective would be to create for the common good. Can you imagine it?

In this amazing world, once we all knew the seven hidden truths discussed above and had access to suppressed technologies and information, would it be possible for the following to occur anymore?

  • Could suffering due to lack of basic living essentials exist in such a world? Would anyone be homeless or hungry?
  • With the release of all hidden technologies, would money eventually even exist or be necessary?
  • Could the Earth and its resources be plundered endlessly? Could we endlessly pollute the planet causing great harm to our ecosystem?
  • Could “engineered diseases” exist in such a world? Could “medicine” be practiced that only treats symptoms instead of holistically curing the root cause of illness? Would illness itself become a very rare occurrence?
  • Could wars exist where “dark entities” and shadow governments fund both sides in an on-going effort to maintain fear in the population and manipulate events for their personal gain?
  • Could governance systems exist where “pay to play” was the norm? Would politicians be able to put their interests above all else? Would we continue to have the least capable and honorable among us be put into positions of governance and leadership? Would corruption at any level, be possible?
  • Could it be possible for so many things to remain “coin-operated” — where nothing gets done until someone pays someone else? Could the concept of putting a “monetary value” on literally everything remain — would it make any sense at all?
  • Could manipulative advertising and mind-programming be tolerated?
  • Could corrupted journalists and media organizations who are not focused on the Truth be allowed to exist?
  • Could educational systems continue to exist that treat students as generic widgets being taught material based on manipulated, incomplete information and a distorted understanding of the truth about reality? Could schools continue to exist that rob the passion and creativity from young minds and leave their souls bruised and bewildered?
  • Could so much of our “entertainment” continue to be of the low-consciousness, low vibration type which so denigrates and debases the divinity and goodness of humans?
  • Could “divide and conquer” strategies employed at every level continue to be the norm?
  • Could all ethics remain relative with no moral-compass pointing to true-north?

What would it take for this new world to be birthed? It already has …

The old world is crumbling in front of our eyes — the ever present cycle of cosmic death and re-birth is in full motion. The foundations of the new world are already being erected. Millions of people around the world are architecting it in their hearts and minds. Their consciousness is rising to the point where the new world has no choice but to emerge. Next, the builders will be called to take the plans and begin construction. What a wonderful moment in human evolution…

You won’t see those people on television or hear their press-conference. But if you’re still and silent, you will feel them, their energetic vibration rising, their will and intention fearlessly birthing a new world, a New Free and High Consciousness Earth.

~Jay Kshatri



Jay Kshatri

Capturing the Best Insights on Enlightened Living from Creatives, Spiritualists, and Progressive Scientists Operating at the Divine Edge of Consciousness.